It makes the complete tracking way of shipment, for Local, Domestic & International. Some of the essential features like Dispatch, Manifest, Load, Delivery Status, and Consignee. Data extraction of MIS, Statistics Reports & Invoicing to Excel or PDF. Web tracking to your own website can be linked. Additional feature of Financial Accounting with Voucher entry & Ledger accounts also available.
A web host, or web hosting service provider, is a business that provides the technologies and services needed for the website or webpage to be viewed in the Internet.
Project-based learning refers to any programmatic or instructional approach that utilizes multifaceted projects as a central organizing strategy for educating students. ... In project-based learning, students are usually given a general question to answer, a concrete problem to solve, or an in-depth issue to explore.
It is the perfect solution for wages calculation on the basis of regular and variable pays. Statutory deductions with Government policies also adopted. This makes easier for forms to be submitted on regular basis.